Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

Costel Cosloc - Catalyst
Larisa Adriana - Facilitator
Stefan Ovidiu - Facilitator
Percy Logan - Facilitator

Don Fernando - The Shaman

Our Spiritual Values are:

We know how the power of love heals and transform lives. Every step we take and every action we perform is guided by this profound feeling.
Acceptance: We create a safe environment where everyone is welcomed with open arms and without judgment, regardless of their story.
Unity: We promote deep connection among people, nature, and spirit, fostering a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves.

Why We Do this? We wanna leave the world a better place by using our gifts to bring light and healing to the souls who join us. We believe in the magic of transformation and in the power within every individual to rediscover balance and inner peace.

Join our journey and allow us to guide you toward your most nurtured, authentic, and joyful self.

Personal message from the team:

Ayahuasca has completely transformed my life. I dreamed of reaching Peru, experiencing the healing power of this sacred plant. What once seemed like a dream became reality, and in the heart of the jungle, I experienced a profound spiritual rebirth. During the ceremonies, I discovered pure love. It opened my heart and healed my soul, freeing me from fears and pains. It felt as if I was reclaiming lost parts of myself, it cannot be described in words—it can only be lived. Healing through Ayahuasca is a deep calling only for those who feel the need for change, liberation, and reconnection with their soul. Today, I am honored to share this experience with you, through my gifts. 

– Costel 

Normally, Ayahuasca takes you on a journey within. However, in my first experience with Ayahuasca, it was the complete opposite. I was sitting in the maloka, entering a trance, when I felt a force take hold of my head, pull my inner self out, and sit it in front of me. It was me looking at myself. Ayahuasca was telling me: “Look at yourself; accept, forgive, change what you can change, and above all, love yourself.”


That experience changed my perspective on everything in my life.

– Percy 

  All the teachers, healers, and spiritual people want to “fix” you as if you are broken, and they know what is wrong inside you. They claim to have the solution to your problem. We don’t say that because we know that healing is a personal, conscious process. No one can do it for you. Instead, we promise to create the space, support, and the most powerful tools you need to face any obstacle on your journey.

You are not alone, always remember that. 

– Ovidiu


I am pure consciousness in a body that chose to feel life. I am light, remembering who I am, just when the darkness seemed the densest. I have fallen, risen, and awakened, not by chance, but because that was what I was meant to do. I am the infinite hidden within a finite body, yet I know that my form is just a mask. I simply am. And that is enough. None of this would have been possible without Ayahuasca, through whose gates I stepped into truth, revealing what lies beyond fear, ego and illusion.


You are one call away.